Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Journey to the HF world,Feeling the magic under 500 euros

 My HF journey 

Hi all, I will try to keep it short and give you my HF experience.

I would like to elaborate to the HF area because many people think that you need a lot of money to start transmitting on the HF. 

So me and a Ham Radio Friend 5B4ANU, we started researching value for money ways to get on the HF. After a very detailed research to find the cheapest way VALUE FOR MONEY gear we ended up buying a Xiegu G90. 


Personally I bought also an EndFed Sloper(20m) for under 80Euros. This antenna could Transmit from 10m-80m bands. I installed it with directionality to europe. Now Why i bought this Antenna? Well its a portable Antenna so if i was going to upgrade later i could use it at field days. Therefore was an investment. 

I got the Radio from Radioditty for 380 euros including Shipping, 75 euros the antenna. I installed them, of course i had to ground both of them minor cost for a 2mm grounding cable etc. and i was ready to get on the HF. With this Setup from my QTH in Nicosia managed to have QSOs from East Europe to West. (If i had the capability i could do a DIY dipole 20m 1:1 antenna. This would cost around 25 euros therefore you could transmit on HF even cheaper than 500 euros)
I had QSOs with Spain, France,Italy  and generally all south Europe and some Central European Countries. Then i got hooked. I was having HF QSOs with 500 euros.(Power Supply i got one from a friend who didn't want it, but buying a new one was like 50 euros) 

I upgraded my antenna to a Diamond CP6S antenna. A ground Plane one. So now i could also have QSOs not only towards Europe but Also towards middle East. Now here is when the magic begins. Once you get hooked you can't stop. I had QSOs with middle East countries. Up to UAE,Oman and Saudi Arabia. I Felt like i was rediscovering HF. Then all changed. 

One Day Propagation was really great. I could hear Stations from Canada, Norway, Japan, Australia,Indonesia. Now i can't talk to those countries with 20W. But i can with a 100W amp. So I planned on buying one. Now you will say ok i spent a lot of money. Well The course of upgrade in this hobby does not end. 

The important thing is that my starting point was a lot cheaper than many people think. A step by step process really helps the hobby so you can have always something to do and never get bored. I  adjust my budget accordingly and i improve my setup whenever i can. This was an advice i got from another fellow Radio amateur who is always keen providing advice. 

Thank you for reading this short story. 


Monday, March 16, 2020

Hi Everyone,

Usually on VHF/UHF locally after 5pm we get on the repeater of the 5B4NC club and we talk. sometimes when we are on the road or from home.

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak Ham Radio operators from the club started talking on the local analogue repeater.

Unfortunately i am outside of Nicosia in a village about 30km west and i wanted to get into the conversation so i went on the roof. Definitely i need to start thinking how to make my station and set up an antenna but nevertheless the experience was amazing.



Saturday, March 14, 2020

My first Contact Award

Let me ask you one thing.

Do you know which one was your first contact as a ham operator?

A while back before i get my license as a ham operator the 5B4NC club has a regular weekly meeting as a club.

We gather we make QSOs as a club and generally we hang out discussing about the hobby and ways we can communicate. It's an impressive experience because each one of us new comer or old timer has different experiences and you get so much information which is vividly an experience.

Not to expatiate long our club President had an idea to create a certification of your first contact.

So on 21/11/2019 at 7:00pm UTC time i had my first contanct under the 5B4NC callsign

QSO was with OE9ICI/M at 7mhz in LSB mode.


My first Radio

Hi Everyone.

Welcome to my blog.

I am 5B4APB licensed in Cyprus in 2020.

My first radio

I bought my TYT MD-UV390 months before i got licensed so i get experience around the hobby.

As a begginer is an amazing radio to start getting familiarized with the hobby. The price is very competitive and easy to find across Europe.

CPS software can be downloaded from the Vendors Website. You might need a bit of research to understand how the software works so you can configure the radio to work.